The Top 5 Cybersecurity Strategies for Law Firms

The cybersecurity landscape is constantly shifting and every law firm is at the risk of an attack. Protecting sensitive data pertaining to personal information, intellectual property and governmental and industry information systems from theft and damage is an important and challenging task. In fact cyber attacks cost the UK economy over £10 billion per year.  With many law firms looking to implement cost effective yet robust security controls, here are Lateral Technology’s top 5 cybersecurity tips for law firms. 

1. Encrypt Your Data

Encryption of data is perhaps the simplest but most important cybersecurity strategy when it comes to protecting your law firm. Lost and stolen laptops are one of the top reasons for law firm data breaches. But if your computers and devices are encrypted, no one can access your information. And when it comes to your case management software, does your data flow through strict 256 bit encryption?

2. Establish Phishing Protocols

According to the 2018 Data Security Incident Response Report, phishing accounted for 34% of data breaches in 2017, meaning it is the most popular form of cyber attack. Make everyone in your organisation aware of the potential of data breaches via this method. Spear-phishing is particular prevalent in 2021; namely a malicious email-spoofing cyber attack. Provide cyber security training around potential phishing scams. 


3. Consider Data Recovery and Cyber Security Insurance 

Even if you have adopted the most stringent security governance protocols, the best law firms have a strong data recovery plan in place and they prepare for the worst. In addition, you should routinely back up your data and maintain a copy off-site, away from the office. Also investing cyber liability insurance is vitally important. 

4. Select the Strongest Cybersecurity Software Provider

Your legal software, or case management software, is probably the logistical backbone of your business operations. This means it too must be subject to the most stringent security controls. When adopting software as a service (SaaS) in place of purchasing commercial off-the-shelf software, law firms are increasingly relying on SaaS vendors to host their applications in the cloud. Interrogate the SaaS provider’s security governance; encryption, identity and access management, and incident response protocols. Also ascertain if they possess the latest ISO Certification and Cyber Essentials accreditation. It’s also important to review the Data Protection Policies of your potential suppliers. 

The Top 5 Cybersecurity Strategies for Law Firms

5. Use Anti-Virus Protection

Anti-virus (AV) protection software is another important strategy to fend off malicious attacks. AV software can block malware and other malicious viruses from entering any of your law firm’s electronic devices. Leading AV software is relatively inexpensive. It provides protection against spyware, spam mail/ads, and its firewalls protect your online communication and networking activities from potential hackers.

Data security represents a real and growing concern for law firms. So contact Lateral Technology today to discover how our customised solutions can protect your valuable data from any cyberattacks. Our cyber and data security specialists have an unrivalled breadth of expertise.