How To Get The Best From Debt Collection Software

With more people than ever working remotely, there is a greater demand for debt collection software that allows you to work from home, connecting various parties to one centralised database. Lateral have developed a raft of advanced features and collections tools which aid remote working for all manner of debt collection processes.

Working in the Cloud

Cloud computing, along with mobile technology, provides your business with the ability to work from any location that has internet access, via a virtual desktop. As a means of working it certainly provides flexibility, security and scalability. Working in the cloud is preferable to using a VPN (Virtual Private Network), which is poses many challenges in terms of its configuration and onboarding. The ongoing maintenance of a VPN can also be expensive and time consuming. Lateral provides its users with access to a debt collection portal, which possesses the exact same information they’d have access to in the office. This means when working remotely, employees can access important documents in a flexible manner, whilst also maintaining the highest security standards possible. Cloud computing also enables your organisation to accommodate a large increase in a remote workforce very quickly.

Self Service – Empowering Your Debtors Empowers You 

In this digital age, self-service tools can enable debtors to feel more empowered and more in control. And thus collections will increase. Lateral’s innovative debtor portal provides debtors with the option to ‘self-serve’; choosing their own payment plans and taking charge of their own debt. This increased automation is vital for any debt collection software, as less work falls onto your organisation’s labour force, and ultimately you save money. Secondly, when debtors feel empowered to make their own choices, they’re more likely to repay what they’re owed. These days many people are talking about ‘the self-service economy’. It’s a trend that’s been necessitated by consumers’ ever increasing expectations around service, and with Lateral, we exceed those expectations.


Income Expense Report Builder

Lateral has recently launched a cutting-edge income expense report builder, which debtors can fill out in order to help them manage their expenses better. This simple and intuitive system is a helpful tool for debtors to use, which ensures they can prioritise their debt repayments. This tool also creates a higher level of engagement from debtors and increases resolution rates. It’s an agile, scalable solution that reaps great rewards. The more you can automate your debt collection process, and the more you empower the debtor, the more time and money you save.

Get in touch with Lateral or request a demo today, to find out how we can help you collect debt remotely and shape your future success.