5 Best Cloud Computing Tips for Small Law Firms

If you’re a law firm making a decision about investing in legal case management software in “the cloud” or on “on-premise” servers, here we’ve outlined some important cloud-computing tips, which will be of use.

What is Cloud Computing? 

Cloud computing is computing services – servers, data storage, networking, databases – delivered remotely to clients over the Internet, which is referred to as “the cloud”. On-premise software is defined as software installed on the computers on the premises of the person or organization using the software, rather than existing in a remote capacity. When compared with an on-premise system, cloud computing can help lower a firm’s operating costs, run their operations more efficiently, and be easily scaled up or down if their needs change.

Tip 1: You’re Already Using It, So Don’t Worry

Small law firms can be anxious about moving their operations to the cloud, but the irony is you’re probably already using cloud computing. If you use a web-based email platform such as Yahoo or Gmail, then you’re using a cloud computing service. If you’ve ever searched for something on Wikipedia, you’ve accessed an encyclopedia based entirely in the cloud. 

Tip 2: How’s Your Internet Connection?

Consideration of your Internet speed is very important when you’re thinking about a move to the cloud. The UK has a strong broadband network, with speeds of 24 Mbps available in 95% of the UK. If a strong Internet connection is available to you, invest in it. A move to cloud-computing means the strength of your Internet arguably becomes your most important business utility. You’ll be constantly uploading and downloading information, and in order to meet the demands of all your clients, a strong broadband speed is a requirement.


Tip 3: Think About Scalability

Of course there are an assortment of cloud computing software technologies developed specifically for law firms of different sizes. As an example, LATERAL, is totally agile and scalable, so it can meet the specific needs of your enterprise, whatever the size, industry or location, and no matter if you increase in size or become a smaller operation.

Tip 4: Combine What You Can

If you’re considering investing in cloud-based legal case management software, you could also include a CRM (Client Relationship Manager) solution. More integration in the cloud leads to decreased costs and greater efficiencies. The best legal software for your small firm includes a CRM solution. Why have endless stacks of paperwork around your office when you can have one accurate, cloud-based system and all your data at your finger tips?

Tip 5: Focus on Security

Your data is your most important asset. And more than 70% of cyberattacks target small businesses. On-premise software is often open to attack, which explains why so many small law firms are migrating to cloud-based systems. There are some important security concerns to deliberate when using legal cloud software systems. These include the use of strong passwords, the regular back-up of data, and multifactor authentication.  

Lateral offers secure, next generation, cloud-based Legal Case Management Software for Lawyers, serving law firms of all sizes all over the UK, US, Canada, Australia & South Africa.

Get in touch to learn more or try our demo today.